Press Releases

For Immediate Release: December 1, 1999



An historic occasion not to be missed, The Provincetown International Art Institute marks the great success of its opening semester with its first student exhibition at the Provincetown Art Association and Museum beginning December 10 and running through January 9.  An opening reception will be held Friday, December 10 from 5PM - 7PM.  Everyone is invited to join in this very special celebration.


The exhibition will present work executed in the studios by the inaugural class of PIAI.   It will include work created in each of the five classes offered during this first term at the new art school -- Visual Fundamentals, Drawing I, Painting I, Sculpture, and Graphic Design.


The Provincetown International Art Institute is a new educational collaborative that offers off-season, college-level instruction in the visual arts, drawing on the resources of this town rich in artists, galleries, museums, art scholars and collectors -- the newest art school in the oldest art colony in the country.  Students receive college credits through Cape Cod Community College.


PIAI will share this special evening with the Cape Cod Arts Association as the organization presents its 1999 Grant Awards in support of the arts on Cape Cod.  PIAI is the recipient of a $2500 grant, which will support a visiting artists program at the school. Throughout the winter term, prominent artists will make studio visits and critique the students' work.


PIAI's second semester will begin at the end of January.  




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